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Pregnancy is the most exciting thing a woman can experience during her lifetime. You will experience lots of changes physically and emotionally. below is a little background on what you can expect during your pregnancy and some natural remedies to help with complications.
Pregnancy is divided into three stages or trimesters. The first trimester takes place during the first twelve weeks. during this stage your baby is very small and his organs are slowly beginning to form. You may feel tired, nauseous, be constipated, gassy, dizzy and your back might be sore. You also may experience an increase in irritability and a large range of mood swings.
Weeks 13-27 is the second trimester. during this stage of pregnancy your baby is developing facial features, becomes a lot more active and responds to sound and music. The second trimester is normally when women feel the best. You may feel a lot more energetic, your hair may shine and you might also find an increase in your libido. In addition to these positive changes you may experience negative ones. You may become short of breath, have aches and pains in your groin and thighs. other symptoms you may have during the second trimester are changes in your skin, itching, stretch marks and you appear to have gained about three to five pounds.
Week 28 is the start of the third and final trimester of pregnancy. This is the most exciting time for both mommy and baby as they prepare for the birth. You might also find this trimester the most uncomfortable. You may feel a lot more tired, the pressure of your baby on your bladder can cause you to urinate a lot more often. You might also suffer from indigestion, swollen hands and feet, constipation, hemorrhoids and Braxton-Hicks contractions. Your baby grows rapidly during this last stage of pregnancy. By the 36th week your baby drops and a couple weeks later his lungs and brain are fully developed as he prepares for birth.
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Natural and holistic remedies have been proven to be highly effective in alleviating uneasy pregnancy issues. essential oils, herbs, homeopathic remedies and tissue salts are safe to use during pregnancy. essential aromatherapy oils such as Litsea cubeba, Grape fruit and Mandarin help to swiftly uplift, freshen and energize the mind, body and spirit when you are feeling fatigued.
Mag Phos, Nat. Sulph, Melissa oficinalis and Mentha Piperita are herbal and homeopathic ingredients that relieve heartburn and digestive discomfort. tissue salts, such as Atriums Muriaticum, Calcium Fluoride, and Calcium Phosphate work internally to stop stretch marks, improve skin and connective tissue tone. flower essences can also help the mind and spirit adjust during each trimester of pregnancy.
Sometimes issues can occur during the different stages of pregnancy. These issues include:
Nausea and vomiting during the first trimester. even though this is called “morning sickness” it can occur during any time of day. women normally find relief by eating crackers or drinking ginger tea. You can also use herbal remedies to help with nausea.
Heartburn or acid indigestion is a burning sensation that starts from below the breastbone and extends up to your throat. This is very common during pregnancy but only occurs during the last few months. You can relieve heartburn by eating smaller meals throughout the day and eating slowly. Homeopathic and herbal remedies can also be very beneficial in alleviating this problem safely.
Many women experience fatigue during the first trimester of pregnancy. Their bodies are getting used to the idea of being pregnant. Taking extra cat naps during the day can help. If you are fatigued during the first part of your pregnancy this will go away once you hit your second trimester. It is common to get a burst of energy during the second stage of pregnancy.
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Your energy level may drop again during the third trimester. rest as much as possible and avoid strenuous chores that may tire you. kicking back massages, warm baths, can also help with fatigue. Foot soaks and foot rubs are terrific for relieving aching feet.
Women experience frequent urination during the first trimester due to hormonal changes and the pressure of the uterus on the bladder. This may also cause an incPrehodnocujte infekcie moču. Aby ste tomu zabránili, vždy používajte sprchovú miestnosť v okamihu, keď máte pocit, že je váš močový mechúr plný. Vypite tiež veľa vody. Ak zažijete infekciu močového mechúra počas tehotenstva, je bezpečné použiť na liečbu biochemické tkanivové soli.
Ako sa vaša maternica rozširuje, môžete sa cítiť zápcha. Keď sa do tela uvoľní veľké množstvo progesterónu, svaly čreva strácajú časť svojej sily a spomaľujú priechod potravy cez črevá. Zastavenie zápchy jesť potraviny bohaté na vlákninu, ako sú ovocie, zelenina a celé zrná. Pitie veľkého množstva vody môže tiež pomôcť pri zápchu.
Počas tehotenstva môžete mať tiež kŕče nôh. Je to kvôli zmenám krvného obehu v nohách, ako aj nadváhou váhy. Kŕče nôh môžete zmierniť zvýšením príjmu vápniku a horčíka, natiahnutím, chôdzou, teplým kúpeľom, masážou a pomocou vykurovacej podložky.
Počas tehotenstva sa vaše prsia stávajú plnšie, citlivé a opuchnuté. Na sebe pohodlnú podpornú materskú podprsenku musí zmierniť akékoľvek nepohodlie.
Mnoho tehotných žien sa môže vyvinúť svrbivou pokožkou. Je to kvôli hormonálnym zmenám. Môže sa vyskytnúť aj v bruchu, keď sa vaša pokožka rozširuje a rozširuje.
Súvisiace je vaša práca ohrozenie tehotenstva?
Počas tehotenstva sú tiež veľmi bežné. K tomu dochádza v dôsledku extra hmotnosti a veľkosti maternice a prsníkov. Svaly v chrbte musia tvrdo pracovať na podporu rovnováhy, ktorá môže spôsobiť bolesť chrbta. Teplé kúpele a masáže pomáhajú zmierniť túto bolesť.
Ak si udržujete vodu, môže dôjsť k opuchu alebo opuchu. To zvyčajne ovplyvňuje členky, nohy a ruky. Opuchnuté členky sa môžu uľaviť zdvihnutím nôh pri sedení, cvičení, masáži alebo nosení podporných motýľov alebo pančuchách.
Zväčšené žily alebo kŕčové žily ovplyvňujú počas tehotenstva veľa žien. Je to kvôli zmenám hormónov, ktoré spôsobujú, že steny krvných ciev sa kopajú späť a rastúca maternica vyvíja ďalší tlak na žily v panve a nohách. Aby ste zabránili výskytu kŕčových žíl, zdvihnite svoje nohy čo najviac, noste podporné motyky alebo pančucháče a jemne si cvičte nohy. Pravidelné používanie biochemických tkanivových solí môže tiež zmierniť tento problém.
Uistite sa, že budete držať krok s pravidelnými prenatálnymi kontrolami, aby ste sa vyhli oveľa závažnejším komplikáciám. Pre tie menšie, ktoré sú uvedené nad používaním aromaterapeutických olejov, biochemických tkanivových solí a homeopatických liekov, vám môže poskytnúť úľavu. Vždy pamätajte, že niektoré bylinné doplnky sa používajú počas tehotenstva. They may cause premature labor, or even miscarriage. always read and follow the product label and go over it with your doctor before using any natural herbal supplement.
This originally appeared on The healthy mommies magazine on June 18, 2010.
Odkaz na tento príspevok: Prírodné lieky na komplikácie tehotenstva
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